Freediving presentations at the university, by Lassdive
Freediving presentations at the Tecnocampus university in Barcelona, by Lassdive
Last may, 23rd Lassdive – Freedive l’Estartit did run a chat about freediving in the Tecnocampus faculty, from Pompeu Fabra.
The freediving instructor Eva Roqueta, in representation of Freedive l’Estartit, first freediving school in the Iberia Peninsula, did run an introductory chat about the freediving world for the students of the CAFE degree (Science of the physical activity and sports), as part of the subaquatic activities program of the degree.
The chat did generate a great expectation, especially when the freediving instructor, Eva Roqueta, did run an in-situ practice with the participants, taking some of them to a static apneas of 3 minutes, getting one of them to 3’21” in his first experience about apnea.